Team Honduras

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Giving......vs. Receiving.....

  Since we answered the call to serve the Lord fulltime the Lord has never stopped blessing us or our ministry.  He never ceases to amaze me at how HE works. Recently, we have been blessed and it is just perfect at how if you give....God will give back to you more than you gave out. A sweet little lady that just started coming to our church gave us some milk Sunday morning. This is not just any ole milk. She had gone out and milked the cow herself and then boiled it and poured it in a Pepsi bottle. There was almost 2 liters in the bottle. We brought it home and put it in the fridge. Sunday was visiting day for most of the children and they were to return at 5:30. Kathya walked up with her mom and baby sister and her little 2 1/2 year old brother was at home. I knew her mom did not have any money especially after Kathya had been there for the day. I also know that milk is a treat for her little boy as she doesn't have the money to buy it for him. So, I went to the fridge and took out the bottle of the milk we had received and gave it to her. Now, I want you all to understand.....I know that we need milk....we go through 12+ cases a month totaling about $300 just in milk a month. However, I also know that the Bible says that you should give....if there is a need. Well, we gave....and you can not give without God blessing you in some way. Yesterday, a man from our church walked up to the door with 2 GALLONS of milk in his hand and said he just wanted to bring us some milk. WOW!!!!  I wrote about that yesterday to say that you can never out give God. However.....HE really wanted to make us see that.....HE will provide it you trust HIM and if you are kind to others and show mercy, love and grace. Yesterday afternoon, a car slowly drove down the path to our house.  I wasn't sure who it was. However, she was another member of our church. When she got out of that her hands were 2 MORE GALLONS of milk......not only did she bring us milk, but she brought 10lbs of rice, 10lbs of beans, spaghetti, tomato paste and even a special treat we had been praying for ICE CREAM.  God is good my friends. It is so amazing to see how he uses people here and in the states to met our needs. We can't do it by ourselves. Everything that we have and everything that we receive is because of people who give....give without thinking twice about it. We always pray that those who give to us or our ministry are blessed 100 fold for their giving. We know that you did not have to give. However, I challenge you all who are reading to give.....and if you tell someone that you are going to give to sure to do it. You want regret it...the Lord will bless it and you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's days like this...................

Last week we had a young mom walk up on property. She had three small children with her. One of them a little blonde hair boy....he could so totally pass as mine as his hair color is the same as mine. most of the time when children have this color hair it is from lack of vitamins and nutrition. He was adorable. Then, she proceeds to ask if she can place her children here. She has the little boy who is about 2 1/2, then a little girl who is 15-18 months old and then a little baby girl in her arms.  I begin to tell her that at this time we just do not have the space for another boy. We already have 8 and we really have 1 room that should only have 5 in it. The twins are already living in our family area and are with us all the time. This will be hard on us for sure if they ever leave as they have been raised like our own children. Anyway, she begins to say....."can you please just take the girls". I being the adult....being the mom of the house have to look at her and tell her....."we just don't have the space." I tried to just be friendly and play with the baby. I asked her what her name was. She replied; I have not yet named her. (she was 4 months old). My heart broke....thinking that this cute little girl didn't even have a name...I said, what about Sophia, or Elizabeth or I don't remember what other names I threw out that were very girly. She then replies with; "sister if you take can name her whatever you want"! I wanted to grab that baby and just cry. My heart as a a mother just broke into and she is not even mine. It is day's like this....I don't like the decisions that have to be made. We don't like having to turn away the innocent babies who have no options. It is days like this that make us heavy hearted and sad. It gives us more of a burden to help the children. I do not know what the future is for this little girl and her siblings. Where will they get their next meal....where will they sleep.....what will this desperate young mom do?  Will she trade them off or will she give them to anyone willing to take them? These questions have all raced through my mind. I ask that you please....please....... please PRAY for the Lord to touch a couple's heart to answer the call to missions. There is no reason to even start another cottage unless we know that someone is willing to come. I know that we serve a mighty God and HE answers prayers. I believe that with all that is within me that HE has touched someone's heart is just this couple has not yet answered. WHO WILL GO........WHO WILL COME.......WHO WILL say LORD HERE AM I SEND ME.......If you are a Christian today.....I want you to think of your life and how your Christian life should be Thankful that someone answered that call and obeyed the Lord.....because someone are where you are today. If God is calling you to do something don't wait until it's to late to let HIM use you.  It's days like this...............................