Team Honduras

Friday, February 5, 2010

Taking a LEAP of FAITH

As you all know we have been in Tampa now since August 2nd 2009. We started deputation in mid September to begin raising the funds needed for language school and of coarse our needs once we head to Honduras. We need about $35,000 for the year of language school plus the money we need for our support which is about $1500 a month.

The Lord sure has been so good to us with helping raise our funds and gain many supporters. The Lord has blessed us with so many individual and family supporters and we are very grateful for the commitments. We know that each of those givers are making a sacrifice to help the children of Honduras.

However, if you have ever planned to do something as time draws closer and closer so does the anticipation and the excitement. Mark and I sat down with Pastor Mike (the director here in Tampa) to talk about our future plans. We still do not have 100% committed support and only lack about $200 a month from being able to go. We weighed the pros and cons and then just decided to go on FAITH. You see, if we prolong going to language school until September then that means that we will not be in Honduras until September 2011. Mark and I both look at it like this.....the longer it takes for us to get to Honduras.....the more children could die without hope of knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So, we decided that we are stepping out on faith and the Lord would provide the remaining funds that we need to get there. So, on April 26th we will be flying out to the Spanish Language Institute in Costa Rica. Please help us by praying that we gain our support and our home sells in North Carolina before we go.

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