Team Honduras

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Faces=New Beginnings....

(From Left to Right)
Jr/12, David/6, Carolina/9, Belkis/13
 Many weeks ago we told you all about a family of four children whose mom worked long hours and their dad had no job. Today was a very exciting day here in Honduras as we placed them in the home. It has been a busy day with hair treatments, reviewing house rules and just a time of fun and adjustment. The kids seem to have a happy spirit and are excited to be here. Please pray as we will have adjustments on both sides that will need to be made to our increasing family.Also, please be in prayer for their parents as well. Today, we went from eating at one table to using two but it is nice to have kids in those empty beds now. Tonight, I went into the room of the boys which has been empty until now....they were so excited to be able to sleep on their own bed with clean and brand new sheets. The three oldest children use to share a bed and the little one would share a bed with his parents. Karla did a devotion with the little kids tonight and we had the bigger ones in the kitchen. Karla asked if they were thankful for anything and David replied: "I am thankful for all the new clothes that I got today."  We are so excited and can not wait to post pictures of them on Sunday as the boys will be using ties for the first time. If you could have only seen their faces as they tried on each item today it was precious.

1 comment:

  1. It's so exciting to hear about the home filling up!! We are praying for a smooth transition for all of you and thanking God for these new additions to your minisitry.
