Team Honduras

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Security Wall URGENT Update

You know growing up in North Carolina just outside of a tiny town we never worried about leaving things in the yard, whether we were going to be robbed or shot. Even after Mark and I were married and moved to yet another small town we often times left the garage door up or the doors open,bikes in the yard and even keys in the car. However, we are not in the states anymore and life here is different. Many of you know that we sit on 10 acres of property and we have been blessed this year to close in 3/4 of the property. We were feeling a lot safer. Then, we got some very disturbing news.

When two of our girls entered the home they entered for two reasons. The first, was that their grandma could not care for them anymore. The second was because she was afraid of a man that was coming around their house. Well, things do get lost in translation and what she was trying to say was that this guy was threatening her and the lives of the girls. Well, we recently just learned that the man has made his way over here. He is a relative and he is also in a dangerous gang. He has told one of the girls while she was playing outside on the soccer field that "all of the people in that house will pay". What that exactly means we are not sure of. However, we do know that our friend who lives behind us was worried enough to come and talk to us as he saw a car full of gang members on the main entrance dirt road in front of the property. We really need to get the front of the property gated in. This is the last phase and we would feel so much safer. We are asking that you pray about it for one. Then see how you can help keep us all safe here. Maybe you can mention it to your family, your small group, or even your sunday school class or church. Some of you who have businesses can even donate and receive a tax donation receipt. We are in need of $20,000 to get started on this. Until then, please be in prayer for our safety and that they do not come back here to the property.

The pictures are to show you just how open it is in the front and why we so need to get this closed in. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. If you would like to help you can donate online at
and clarify it is for the wall fund
or mail checks to

c/o Coats Fund/Wall Fund
11415 Hope International Drive
Tampa, Florida 33625
walking or driving off the property to the right is headed to the main road

the entrance to the property

a link chain that we close each night is all that have to keep people out

the left and right sides have a barbed wire fence 

to the left of the property

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