God blessed me with a mother who saw it fit for me to be in church, made me go to more VBS's than I ever cared to go to(LOL) but made sure that the word of God was hid in my heart. I am thankful for that.
Then, I got married and inherited a mother-n-law who loves the Lord and sets a good example for me and my kids as well. I am thankful for that too. Then, in 1996 the Lord blessed me with a beautiful baby girl. My little Taylor Marie.
She has grown into a wonderful teenager. I am thankful that she loves the Lord and has a desire to please HIM and her parents. She isn't perfect and I do not expect her to be but I am thankful that she cares about whether or not she has disappointed her parents. I love you Taylor! Then, in 1998 the Lord blessed me again but this time with a Big Ole handsome baby boy....10lb 1oz Hunter James. He is a sweet boy and has trusted the Lord as his Savior...he is all boy however, and I pray that the Lord will call him to do a great work for HIM.
I love you Hunter! Then the Lord blessed me with another little baby...a baby girl Zoey....whom I love as much as the other two. How can you love someone you have never met? Well, the Lord said I knew you in your mother's womb. I knew my little baby girl, I can see her now running on the streets of gold with her long blonde hair and blue eyes just like her daddy.
Again, the Lord blessed me with another....not sure if this was a boy or girl but went with a Bible name and called him Uriah.
He has not ever met a stranger that he did not like...he will hug you and kiss you even if he does'nt know you...the Lord has great big plans for my little man. Thank you Lord for the blessings that you have bestowed upon me as a mother. I pray that you will help me be the kind of mother to my children and to all the children that come across my path through Hope Children's Home both in the states and in Honduras. Lord thank you for choosing ME to be their mother. For my readers....think about how Mary must have felt...when God told her that she was going to be a mother...the mother of Jesus....and then think about your lives and the fact that he did the same thing to you....he chose you to be the mother of the children that you have....or will soon have. God has chosen each of us to be mothers so don't just think about that this mother's day THANK about it in prayer to the one who made it possible....Happy Mother's Day to my readers and friends.....
Amy, what a preciuos tribute to your family!! Thank you for being willing to share your heart!!! Totally praying for your sweet family!!! Hugs, my friend!!!