Team Honduras

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Work Day

Oscar worked hard
Saturday morning we held our very first workday with the people from Iglesia Bautista "El Faro". The Sunday morning before we put out a sign up sheet to see how many volunteers we would have. By the end of service we had 27 signed up. When Wednesday came around our list was up to 33. On Friday Mark and I went to buy all of our supplies such as brooms, mops, buckets, etc. We also purchased ingredients to make banana muffins for a breakfast snack and had lots of fresh fruit. Mark and I both had many pick-ups that morning so that those who wanted to help could get to the cottage.

We started by preparing the plates with muffins, watermelon, pineapple and papaya. Then we could see the people walking the paths in all directions coming to what will be our new home. Very few people in our church have a car or truck so they walk or use a bus. It was so exciting to see them all coming.
Teens helping
No matter the job they helped

After we had breakfast we divided them all into teams and gave them their supplies. They all worked so very hard and the building looked great. Now we are just waiting to get the remaining donations so that we can call for a container. Once we have all that we need or can fit in a 40 foot container it will be shipped to Honduras. The people were so very excited about helping and being in the cottage. I know that they are just as eager as we are to see the cottage decorated and opened.
The Whole Group 31 with our family

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