Last week Mark and I were in a whirl-wind so to speak. With the contractions not stopping and having to go back to the doctor thoughts to leave much earlier had entered our minds. The doctor had told us that if I were to dilate at all here, he would put me on bed rest in the hospital until Micah was born. So, with that said; we quickly started to think that maybe we should just go ahead and leave.
Mid week, I received an email from a friend here named Esther. She had invited us to breakfast/brunch since we were getting ready to leave. However, after the invite Mark and I really did not have peace about leaving and prayed and asked God for guidance. He layed it on both of our hearts that "Micah and I" would be okay and that he would take care of things. Plus, after starting the new medication I have been contraction free "PRAISE the LORD".
Well, Saturday approached and I was excited to go over to Esther and Adam's house for many reasons. One they are a very sweet couple whom we have become friends with and second I was so ready to see something other than the four ways of my house. (Bed rest is not my cup of
Adam came to pick us up....(they have a car...something only a few people have here, Gringos anyway). so that I would not have to walk. Once we arrived Esther greeted us at the door and led me inside and much to my "SURPRISE" there in the midst of her living room sat 20 ladies /friends from ILE or the language school. I know that there are many who wanted to be there but could not. They had organized a surprise baby shower for me.
This actually was something that was weighing on my heart...not being with my friends and family from home to share in this wonderful occassion. Being on the mission field and well.....this is really a transition field before Honduras it is often hard to do things like this because people are always coming and going. However, my new friends here blessed me beyond belief. Not only did we hear from God's word and pray but we just had a wonderful time of fellowship together. We received a few items and cards for baby Micah and the ladies all chipped in to buy 3 things off of my Target Baby Registry. One of those things we really needed which was the pack and play to use as a bassinet until we could get a crib. It was such a blessing to be able to share this time with new friends.
The one really exciting thing is that each of these ladies will go off with her family (and there are a few single ladies) that will start a new ministry sharing God's word in another Latin American Country. We will be able to keep in touch and pray for one another as we begin a new chapter in our lives. God is so wonderful at putting people in your life just when you need them. There have been many ladies here at ILE that have come and gone that have been a part of my life here for this year. But, for me it is so exciting to think that I really do have friends "ALL OVER THE WORLD". Thank you to each of you that made Saturday possible it was such a blessing and a time that I will never forget.
Team Honduras
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Listening......The Invisible Work...........
Today, Mark came home from school during the break to check on me and see how things were going. We have an empleada by the name of Etelvina. She helps in our home 2 days a week and what a blessing she has been. She has become part of our family. She is like a grandma to my children and she loves us enough to not only care for us but to pray for us with her "whole" heart. Mark offered to make a pot of coffee and while waiting we started a conversation on "thank you cards" of all things. You see here like in other Latin American countries once you say "Thank you" that is it the end of it. No need to send an extra "thank you card" in the mail. We were chatting away back and forth about the difference in culture, not that either is bad just different. Then the tables were turned.
Many of you know that her daughter Carolina is a missionary to Africa and we have ben praying for her to receive a ticket back to Costa Rica. Well, that prayer has been answered and she should arrive on Monday or late Tuesday. With this conversation we began to talk about her family. She began to share many things with us. It was amazing at the amount of Spanish that we understood. What was even more amazing was the information that she was sharing. As, Mark and I just sat and listened for about 20-25 minutes we were doing an "invisible work".....the work of listening. Sometimes, people just want to share. We all have trials and burdens and many times we don't want advise, we don't want anything from the other person...only to be heard to share what is on our heart. We now have a better understanding of her family and we can pray very specific for their needs. However, had we not taken the time to just listen we never would have learned this information and the burdens that she has carried for so long. Sometimes, the people in our lives only want to share and to be heard. I sit here thinking.....what else have I missed out on because I did not take the time to listen. How many people could I have been a blessing to by only taking the time to stop what I was doing to open my ears? I know that if we are all honest we could ask ourselves the same questions.....sometimes the greatest gift we can give someone is to just be silent and let them share their hearts.
Many times we say we are listening when in fact our ears are closed, many times we say we are listening when our eyes have gone astray. Show how much you care today by looking into the heart; open your eyes and open your ears for a freind who may need it today. Just remember that when you call on God "he is never far away". Sometimes we say we hear when in fact we only heard a sound....we never really heard what was on the heart of the one standing right in front of us. Try to be more like Jesus who in fact answers when we call....for he never sleeps nor strays and hears ever word we pray.
My challenge to you is do an invisible work your ears and your heart to one who may be calling out that just needs you to Listen.
Many of you know that her daughter Carolina is a missionary to Africa and we have ben praying for her to receive a ticket back to Costa Rica. Well, that prayer has been answered and she should arrive on Monday or late Tuesday. With this conversation we began to talk about her family. She began to share many things with us. It was amazing at the amount of Spanish that we understood. What was even more amazing was the information that she was sharing. As, Mark and I just sat and listened for about 20-25 minutes we were doing an "invisible work".....the work of listening. Sometimes, people just want to share. We all have trials and burdens and many times we don't want advise, we don't want anything from the other person...only to be heard to share what is on our heart. We now have a better understanding of her family and we can pray very specific for their needs. However, had we not taken the time to just listen we never would have learned this information and the burdens that she has carried for so long. Sometimes, the people in our lives only want to share and to be heard. I sit here thinking.....what else have I missed out on because I did not take the time to listen. How many people could I have been a blessing to by only taking the time to stop what I was doing to open my ears? I know that if we are all honest we could ask ourselves the same questions.....sometimes the greatest gift we can give someone is to just be silent and let them share their hearts.
In the Bible it says in Philippians 2: 4-5 " Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also Christ Jesus".
James 1:19 says " Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath":
Many times we say we are listening when in fact our ears are closed, many times we say we are listening when our eyes have gone astray. Show how much you care today by looking into the heart; open your eyes and open your ears for a freind who may need it today. Just remember that when you call on God "he is never far away". Sometimes we say we hear when in fact we only heard a sound....we never really heard what was on the heart of the one standing right in front of us. Try to be more like Jesus who in fact answers when we call....for he never sleeps nor strays and hears ever word we pray.
My challenge to you is do an invisible work your ears and your heart to one who may be calling out that just needs you to Listen.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Time for Bed
Each night before we go to bed we have a time of family devotion and prayer. We have been studying the book of Daniel and we have also been reading through the minor prophets. Currently, we are reading in Joel. After, we read and have our time of devotion we take prayer requests and pray as a family.
Since, I am on bed rest I am in the bed all the time. :Last night I was not really tired but I had my head down. Josiah said, "Mommy are you sleepy?" I said "maybe a little." He replied with, "Mommy we can not go to sleep .....we have to read the Bible". My head lifted and I started to talk back with him. "You are exactly right, Josiah, we have to read our Bibles before we fall asleep". Josiah will not be 3 until April however, it fills my heart with JOY in just knowing that he has already grabbed a hold of the concept of spending time in God's word and in prayer.
Shortly after that he said these words..."open your Bibles"....made me think of many pastors who say those words on a regular basis. Could Josiah grow up to be a great preacher....sure with God anything is possible. I remember when I was pregnant with him and everytime we were in our home church and Brother Jeff would preach....Josiah would jump and kick and move as if to say he was "Amening from inside." It was just sweet to hear him say those sweet words. He watched until we all had our Bibles open ready to start.
While we all take turns reading one after the other Josiah wants to read as well. He usually looks at his Bible and throws out something about the picture that is in his little Bible book....something like God made this...or God loves me....or sometimes even random funny stuff. Never the less he feels apart of what we are doing.
Most nights he stays awake to hear the story and to pray...(which he wants to lead.) We let him start and then one of us follow after. Very sweet, becasue he talks about his friends at school, "Bena" (our empleada) and many others. But last night he was so tired that he fell alseep on his Bible.
I challenge you all that have small children or any children living in your home (or even grandkids) that you set up a time when you all can fellowship together in God's word. It will make a differance and they will pick up this habit and when they are raising their own children they will have a gift to share just like you shared this great gift with them.
Since, I am on bed rest I am in the bed all the time. :Last night I was not really tired but I had my head down. Josiah said, "Mommy are you sleepy?" I said "maybe a little." He replied with, "Mommy we can not go to sleep .....we have to read the Bible". My head lifted and I started to talk back with him. "You are exactly right, Josiah, we have to read our Bibles before we fall asleep". Josiah will not be 3 until April however, it fills my heart with JOY in just knowing that he has already grabbed a hold of the concept of spending time in God's word and in prayer.
Shortly after that he said these words..."open your Bibles"....made me think of many pastors who say those words on a regular basis. Could Josiah grow up to be a great preacher....sure with God anything is possible. I remember when I was pregnant with him and everytime we were in our home church and Brother Jeff would preach....Josiah would jump and kick and move as if to say he was "Amening from inside." It was just sweet to hear him say those sweet words. He watched until we all had our Bibles open ready to start.
While we all take turns reading one after the other Josiah wants to read as well. He usually looks at his Bible and throws out something about the picture that is in his little Bible book....something like God made this...or God loves me....or sometimes even random funny stuff. Never the less he feels apart of what we are doing.
Most nights he stays awake to hear the story and to pray...(which he wants to lead.) We let him start and then one of us follow after. Very sweet, becasue he talks about his friends at school, "Bena" (our empleada) and many others. But last night he was so tired that he fell alseep on his Bible.
I challenge you all that have small children or any children living in your home (or even grandkids) that you set up a time when you all can fellowship together in God's word. It will make a differance and they will pick up this habit and when they are raising their own children they will have a gift to share just like you shared this great gift with them.
"Train up a child in the way he should go:and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Monday, February 21, 2011
Brewing up Some Great Relationships......
You know I am no coffee drinking by all means. I love to smell it. I just never developed a taste for it. Which I find a little funny to be honest. My momma, daddy, and my sister LOVE some coffee. Me, I would rather have water or if I could a nice cold "Mello Yello"(but they are not sold here or in Latin America). Anyway, some people say that I don't like coffee because I have NEVER had a GREAT cup of coffee. We are currently living in one of the best places in the world to get coffee and I still have not tried it again. One reason is b/c I am pregnant and don't need an addiction(LOL), if I do suddenly start to like it.
In with thinking about a great cup of coffee one who drinks coffee and has a true love for it would NEVER.....use a tablespoon of instant in a hot cup of water. The perfect cup of coffee takes time...time to brew. (Unless you have one of those fancy machines). Even then you still buy the best coffee or at least what you consider to be the best anyway. In brewing the perfect cup of coffee I thought about how we form relationships with others. It takes time and attention to have a satisfying relationship with someone. You can't just add a little here and there and expect to have a great relationship. You need to add some flavor. You can add the following to your relationships by showing Christ love and you are sure to have one of the best flavored relationships around.
1. HELLO.....Talk to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word or a greeting. (I have really learned that here) Just saying hello and asking them how they are brings a smile almost everytime.
2. SMILE......Here is something that we all learned in school. It takes 72 muscles to frown and 14 to smile. You do the math....smiling is a lot easier and well....more fun....(:
3. Call People By Name......Some of the sweetest music to anyones ear is the sound of their own name...and they know that you care because you remembered....
4. Be FRIENDLY and HELPFUL.......there are many ways that you can show these two actions. People do pay attention and they notice if you take the time.
5. Be Cordial. Speak and act as if everything that you do is a pleasure.....your heart will be glad that you did.
6. Be Genuinely Interested in can like everyone if you try.....(this is the most challenging)
7. BE GENEROUS with praise..........and cautious with criticism. (another tough one for us, I know)
8. Be Considerate......think about others will be appreciated.
9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others.....we might not agree but we need to be respectful (unless it goes against the BIBLE) but even then be respectful in your responses.
10. Be Willing to To Give Service......what counts is what we do for others.......
In with thinking about a great cup of coffee one who drinks coffee and has a true love for it would NEVER.....use a tablespoon of instant in a hot cup of water. The perfect cup of coffee takes time...time to brew. (Unless you have one of those fancy machines). Even then you still buy the best coffee or at least what you consider to be the best anyway. In brewing the perfect cup of coffee I thought about how we form relationships with others. It takes time and attention to have a satisfying relationship with someone. You can't just add a little here and there and expect to have a great relationship. You need to add some flavor. You can add the following to your relationships by showing Christ love and you are sure to have one of the best flavored relationships around.
1. HELLO.....Talk to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word or a greeting. (I have really learned that here) Just saying hello and asking them how they are brings a smile almost everytime.
2. SMILE......Here is something that we all learned in school. It takes 72 muscles to frown and 14 to smile. You do the math....smiling is a lot easier and well....more fun....(:
3. Call People By Name......Some of the sweetest music to anyones ear is the sound of their own name...and they know that you care because you remembered....
4. Be FRIENDLY and HELPFUL.......there are many ways that you can show these two actions. People do pay attention and they notice if you take the time.
5. Be Cordial. Speak and act as if everything that you do is a pleasure.....your heart will be glad that you did.
6. Be Genuinely Interested in can like everyone if you try.....(this is the most challenging)
7. BE GENEROUS with praise..........and cautious with criticism. (another tough one for us, I know)
8. Be Considerate......think about others will be appreciated.
9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others.....we might not agree but we need to be respectful (unless it goes against the BIBLE) but even then be respectful in your responses.
10. Be Willing to To Give Service......what counts is what we do for others.......
The Bible says in Proverbs 25:11 " A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in setting of silver."
All of these things take time. You are not gonna do all 10 everytime you see someone but 1-4 for be an automtic. Just like when you sit down to take the first sip of that perfect cup of will also find how worth it it was to brew the perfect relationship.
One of the greatest things a man can do for his HEAVENLY Father is to be KIND to some of HIS other children.
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Me and Valerie.... |
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Uncle Ronnie, Josiah, Aunt Myra |
There are so many photos that I could post but then I would have no more room. So know that I love you to all of my friends and family.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Seeing With The Heart......
Okay, so I know that I have already blogged once today but I just had to share this with you all.
Here in Costa Rica there are many homeless men and women who walk the streets and ask for food, toothbrushes, soap and other small things. We have become acustom to one man by the name of Oscar. He comes by our house and rings our door bell once or twice a week. He usually has dirty and torn clothes worn out sandals and well....he looks like what he is "homeless". When we know that it is him, we usually prepare a little bag of food for him. The bag may include; some fruit, cookies, crackers, a sandwich or anything that we have at that moment that we can share with him. Wendy, Mark's sister recently brought us some new T-shirts so that we could give him a new shirt every other week or so. Sometimes, we throw in a toothbrush, travel tooth paste and maybe a pair of socks. He is always so grateful for what he receives and is normally eating on something in the bag while he is standing there talking to us. He has even offered to help us by practicing Spanish with us. Mark talks to him about his salvation and he assures us that he is "saved". The last 2 months or so he wants to always show his gratefulness and appreciation for our time with a handshake for Mark and Hunter.
Well, today was no different. The door bell rang and Hunter exclaimed that it was Oscar. Mark hurried to the kitchen to prepare the bag of goodies for him and Hunter ran it down stairs. Once Hunter was down there Oscar asked "Donde esta su mama, aqui en la casa?' He asked if I was at home and Hunter replied with a "yes". I could not go down because of being on bed rest and for those of you who know me know ...that it is killing me to not be able to do anything. Well, anyway Hunter locked the gate and quickly ran upstairs full of excitement. He said, "Momma, look , look what Oscar got for you today." It was a beautiful little potted plant. It was just what I needed. Now, I am not sure how he obtained this pretty little plant but I can say that he was wanting to show his appreciation for what we do for him. We show him everytime he comes that we care for him by helping him with food and small items that we have around the house. Today, he wanted to show us how much he cared for us and for our wilingness to help him out. We see Oscar with our heart, as a person who needs help, a second chance, a person who longs for friendship. In the Bible it says in Galatians 6:9-10 " And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
While handing out a little food here and there is really no big deal to us, it has made an impact on his life. With that said God can use the seed that has been planted for something good. Who knows if Oscar will ever get his life on track and have a home again. But for now at least he can say that he has people that care about him and think of him in prayer. Please help us by praying for Oscar and that he will want to change his life and live for Christ.
Here in Costa Rica there are many homeless men and women who walk the streets and ask for food, toothbrushes, soap and other small things. We have become acustom to one man by the name of Oscar. He comes by our house and rings our door bell once or twice a week. He usually has dirty and torn clothes worn out sandals and well....he looks like what he is "homeless". When we know that it is him, we usually prepare a little bag of food for him. The bag may include; some fruit, cookies, crackers, a sandwich or anything that we have at that moment that we can share with him. Wendy, Mark's sister recently brought us some new T-shirts so that we could give him a new shirt every other week or so. Sometimes, we throw in a toothbrush, travel tooth paste and maybe a pair of socks. He is always so grateful for what he receives and is normally eating on something in the bag while he is standing there talking to us. He has even offered to help us by practicing Spanish with us. Mark talks to him about his salvation and he assures us that he is "saved". The last 2 months or so he wants to always show his gratefulness and appreciation for our time with a handshake for Mark and Hunter.
Well, today was no different. The door bell rang and Hunter exclaimed that it was Oscar. Mark hurried to the kitchen to prepare the bag of goodies for him and Hunter ran it down stairs. Once Hunter was down there Oscar asked "Donde esta su mama, aqui en la casa?' He asked if I was at home and Hunter replied with a "yes". I could not go down because of being on bed rest and for those of you who know me know ...that it is killing me to not be able to do anything. Well, anyway Hunter locked the gate and quickly ran upstairs full of excitement. He said, "Momma, look , look what Oscar got for you today." It was a beautiful little potted plant. It was just what I needed. Now, I am not sure how he obtained this pretty little plant but I can say that he was wanting to show his appreciation for what we do for him. We show him everytime he comes that we care for him by helping him with food and small items that we have around the house. Today, he wanted to show us how much he cared for us and for our wilingness to help him out. We see Oscar with our heart, as a person who needs help, a second chance, a person who longs for friendship. In the Bible it says in Galatians 6:9-10 " And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
While handing out a little food here and there is really no big deal to us, it has made an impact on his life. With that said God can use the seed that has been planted for something good. Who knows if Oscar will ever get his life on track and have a home again. But for now at least he can say that he has people that care about him and think of him in prayer. Please help us by praying for Oscar and that he will want to change his life and live for Christ.
Kindness is a language the dumb can speak, the deaf can hear, and the blind can see.
A House Full Of Clowns........
Recently, Taylor went over to a missionary couples house here in Costa Rica. Like us, they are headed to Honduras to work with children. They will just be in another area. Around Christmas time we had a party at the school for a local children's home. The Zell's had set up a booth where they made balloon animals and they also did face painting. The kids LOVED IT. They had all kinds of balloon creatures.
Taylor went over to their house becasue we are going to have a "VBS" here in a few weeks for all of the missionary kids while the parents are in services each day. They taught her and a bunch of other folks how to twist and turn those balloons just right to create something wonderful.
The night she came home, her arms were full of the creations that they had made. She had a hat, dog, turtle and Josiah's favotite his SWORD. He loved it. I had a house full of clowns. They were running around and sword fighting and laughing. The sound that every parent wants to hear. Their children having fun.
So, while I look at my house of clowns....I see a girl that God has given another gift too....a gift that she can now use in a way that others can not. She can twist and turn a balloon into a new creature while sharing the Gospel that will infact twist and change a person...a child's life sharing love the LOVE of Christ!
Taylor went over to their house becasue we are going to have a "VBS" here in a few weeks for all of the missionary kids while the parents are in services each day. They taught her and a bunch of other folks how to twist and turn those balloons just right to create something wonderful.
The night she came home, her arms were full of the creations that they had made. She had a hat, dog, turtle and Josiah's favotite his SWORD. He loved it. I had a house full of clowns. They were running around and sword fighting and laughing. The sound that every parent wants to hear. Their children having fun.
As I sit here today and review the pictures that I took that night and watch the video clip of Taylor having so much fun with Josiah it made me think of the verse in Colossians 3:23. The Bible says "and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men". Taylor will be 15 in a few weeks and I started to think about this new talent that she now has. She can bring JOY to those who might have lost it, she can recapture a smile on a sad little face of a child that has been abandoned. She can use this trait as unto the Lord. He can use this trait to help her be a witness in a whole new way. You know sometimes we may think that we have useless traits that mean nothing...but wait what does the Bible say again...."and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." As long as we use the gifts that God has given us to glorify the Lord, he will use it, in a way that only HE can.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hidden Blessings......
You know as I sit here on bed rest today...I started to think about "why in the world do I have to be on bed rest". We have less than 6 weeks left in Costa Rica. There is so much to be done. I have to finish learning the rules to "subjuctive", start to sell the things that we don't need and pack. Wow! So much to do. But then I started to think about the "Hidden Blessings" in the bed rest. One of coarse the health and safety of baby Micah. We want so much for him to be born in Honduras. With the other 3 children, I never had Braxton Hick contractions until like 8 months and then they were either on-time, late or in Josiah's case induced. So premature labor is all new to me. For those of you who really know me know how independent I am. But, today has been a good time to reflect and think about all that the Lord has planned in my life. I am so thankful for the "Hidden Blessings" that he has put in my life. Things that you just don't think about everyday. I have written a list of things that I am thankful for that we don't always think about. I challenge you all today to look for "Your Hidden Blessings and see how God has blessed you.
1. Thank You for my wonderful husband who wants to "care" for his family.
2.Thank You God for kids who step up to the plate.
3. Thank You Lord for allowing us to have another baby....(those of you who know there was only a 20% chance of ever having another baby after Josiah....God is SO GOOD!!!!!
4.Thank You God for friends that are so caring and want to lend a hand and most important PRAY!!
5. Thank You Lord for a Good Doctor(here in Costa Rica)
6. Thank You Lord for my Empleada "Etelvina"
7. Thank You Lord for allowing me to be able to see my children everyday.
8. Thank You Lord for Your HAND of protection.
9. Thank You Lord for showing me how much I have to be "THANKFUL FOR"
1. Thank You for my wonderful husband who wants to "care" for his family.
2.Thank You God for kids who step up to the plate.
3. Thank You Lord for allowing us to have another baby....(those of you who know there was only a 20% chance of ever having another baby after Josiah....God is SO GOOD!!!!!
4.Thank You God for friends that are so caring and want to lend a hand and most important PRAY!!
5. Thank You Lord for a Good Doctor(here in Costa Rica)
6. Thank You Lord for my Empleada "Etelvina"
7. Thank You Lord for allowing me to be able to see my children everyday.
8. Thank You Lord for Your HAND of protection.
9. Thank You Lord for showing me how much I have to be "THANKFUL FOR"
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning YOU".
Someone once said: "The finest test of character is seen in the amount and the power of gratitude we have.
Monday, February 14, 2011
No Meyor Amor/ No Greater Love........
With today being Valentine's Day I thought that I would share a little of the devotion that I did for class today. I started out by sharing how Valentine's Day originated. St. Valentine lived near Rome around 269 A.D. He was a priest that was known for his Christian believes. It was said that during this time the Roman emperor did not want young couples to be married because he thought that the men would not want to join the army. So, St. Valentine started performing Christian marriages in secret. So other sources say that he help others escape from prison. Once he was caught and placed on trial he was asked why he chose to marry couples and go agaisnt the Roman emperor. His answer was that they serve a false god and he only served the God that called Jesus His Son. While in prison it is said that he befriended the guards and one of the guards daugters(who was blind) through his continued testimony of faith. Once the emperor heard that he was not silent in the prison he ordered him to be beheaded the next day. Days before his execution he prayed for the girl that she might receive her sight. It is said that on the day of his death the girl was healed and due to this miracle the jailor and his entire family of 46 placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and were babptized. This is all history and from different sources online. However, 98% of all that I have read repeat the same information listed above. Valentine's Day was not started for romance and gifts of chocolates and flowers but to honor a different type of love. This man had supposedly placed his faith and trust in Jesus and was willing to die for his believes. When researching for my devotion today I found that the word LOVE with all its forms...(loveth, loved, loving, ect.) were mentioned in the Bible more than 550 times. For me when a word is in the Bible that many times it must be important to the Lord.
Today, I shared that the word LOVE is mentioned in two major ways in the Bible. The first is the love that God has towards us as people of the world. The first verse I shared was Psalms 86:15 "But thou. O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
John 3:16 (we all know this verse)
John 15:13
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 8:35-39 I love these verses. The first phrase in vs. 35 says "Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ"
I am so happy to know that God chose to love us all inspight of our shortcomings and failures. He knew before he ever created the world that we would fail HIM, yet he created us all anyway and thus sent HIS one and ONLY son Jesus to die on the cross to save us all. Further, more there is no man, tribulation or sword that can seperate us from Our Heavenly Father. The only way that we can be seperated from the Lord is if he choose to reject HIM. He will not reject us but he gave man the free will to choose or reject. I am so thankful that I have put my faith and trust in my Lord.
The second area of love mentioned in the Bible is that of the love he wants us to show towards others. I could go on and on with the verses that he has given. Talking about our love for our children in (Proverbs 13:24) To verses on showing love towards our enemies (Proverbs 25:21-22). I have listed some other verses that you should read during your own time.
Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 17:9, Luke 6:27-35, John 13:34-35, Romans 12:9-10, Philippians 1:9-11. Then in 1 John 3:14 and 4:7-21.
In John 13:34 it says " A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
The Bible is very clear in that we should show love to all people. We may have disagreements, they may be enemies but our duty is that we show and express the same kind of love that Christ has shown us. It is a very difficult thing to do sometimes but whenever you have a tough situation and showing love seems almost impossible remember that God sent his son to lay HIS life down for us.....the least that we can do is show love and compassion toward others.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU ALL and I Pray that this week there will be a person placed in your path that you can show Christ Love too....
Today, I shared that the word LOVE is mentioned in two major ways in the Bible. The first is the love that God has towards us as people of the world. The first verse I shared was Psalms 86:15 "But thou. O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
John 3:16 (we all know this verse)
John 15:13
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 8:35-39 I love these verses. The first phrase in vs. 35 says "Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ"
I am so happy to know that God chose to love us all inspight of our shortcomings and failures. He knew before he ever created the world that we would fail HIM, yet he created us all anyway and thus sent HIS one and ONLY son Jesus to die on the cross to save us all. Further, more there is no man, tribulation or sword that can seperate us from Our Heavenly Father. The only way that we can be seperated from the Lord is if he choose to reject HIM. He will not reject us but he gave man the free will to choose or reject. I am so thankful that I have put my faith and trust in my Lord.
The second area of love mentioned in the Bible is that of the love he wants us to show towards others. I could go on and on with the verses that he has given. Talking about our love for our children in (Proverbs 13:24) To verses on showing love towards our enemies (Proverbs 25:21-22). I have listed some other verses that you should read during your own time.
Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 17:9, Luke 6:27-35, John 13:34-35, Romans 12:9-10, Philippians 1:9-11. Then in 1 John 3:14 and 4:7-21.
In John 13:34 it says " A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
The Bible is very clear in that we should show love to all people. We may have disagreements, they may be enemies but our duty is that we show and express the same kind of love that Christ has shown us. It is a very difficult thing to do sometimes but whenever you have a tough situation and showing love seems almost impossible remember that God sent his son to lay HIS life down for us.....the least that we can do is show love and compassion toward others.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU ALL and I Pray that this week there will be a person placed in your path that you can show Christ Love too....
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Our Top 20 List of Unusual Things..................
This is just a "For Fun" list of our top 20 things we had to adjust to here in Costa Rica. I thought that this would be fun to share since we only have 7 weeks left here before we move. Some of you will probably not get some of these but to us it was pretty strange at first to get use to. The kids had a part in helping create this list too.
#20 Seeing mopeds deliver Pizza, Burger King, McD's and other fast foods
#19 Ice Cream made from vegetable oil
#18 Taking a taxi, bus or walking everywhere we go
#17 Not having a big yard to enjoy
#16 Milk in a box
#15 Not being able to walk places at night
#14 Listening to preaching in Spanish
#13 Being woke up by cats fighting on your roof when you think that it is someone trying to break-in
#12 Watching for "Gringo traps" or open storm drains
#11 Earthquakes (our biggest was a 6.2)
#10 No Hot water in the kitchen or any sink
#9 Rain ALL THE time
#7 Watching your you dont step in dog poo on the sidewalks
#6 No Front Door on our house
#5 Having to take keys everywhere you go to Open and Lock all the gates behind you
#20 Seeing mopeds deliver Pizza, Burger King, McD's and other fast foods
#19 Ice Cream made from vegetable oil
#18 Taking a taxi, bus or walking everywhere we go
#17 Not having a big yard to enjoy
#16 Milk in a box
#15 Not being able to walk places at night
#14 Listening to preaching in Spanish
#13 Being woke up by cats fighting on your roof when you think that it is someone trying to break-in
#12 Watching for "Gringo traps" or open storm drains
#11 Earthquakes (our biggest was a 6.2)
#10 No Hot water in the kitchen or any sink
#9 Rain ALL THE time
#7 Watching your you dont step in dog poo on the sidewalks
#6 No Front Door on our house
#5 Having to take keys everywhere you go to Open and Lock all the gates behind you
#4 A Man in his car driving down the road selling eggs, screamming Dos Mil por 30 huevos
#3 Cat poo on your roof.....everywhere...,#2 500 colones =$1US
These are just a few of the things that we had to adjust to living here in Costa Rica...We thought that we would share them with you to give you a little laugh and an insider view of our daily lives. Hope that you enjoy reading.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
A Little Seed...with BIG Rewards.......
Here is Costa Rica we have a local "Feria" or "Farmers Market" as we call it in the states. Every Saturday venders line both sides of the narrow street near the park where we live. It is about a 10 minute walk or so and we take the same path everytime we go. One Saturday in early December Mark and I were walking and noticed a tomato plant growing beside a light pole near the street. Mark said, "Would you look at that". Someone must have tossed a tomato by the road or a dog tore into a trash bag. Never-the-less a nice tall tomato plant had begun to grow. Mark has a love for outdoors just like his momma and could spend all of his time working in something whether it were a garden or just moving leaves a debris to burn. A few weeks later we saw that someone had chopped the plant down leaving only a tiny little sappling. After we finished our shopping, Mark said, "I am gonna pick it and try to root it and see what happens". So we came home and he put it in a glass with water and placed it in the window of the kitchen. It was less than a week later that we noticed it had roots and was ready to be planted in the ground.
While Mark's parents were here his momma started a compost pile in our back yard. This was a great idea for us since we had a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable peels that could go in it. She worked everyday on it while they were here and even had Josiah and Hunter cutting the peels into the dirt to make a nice rich soil. When they returned to the states we went for a surprise visit ourselves sad to go beacuse there would be no-one to care for our little tomato plant that had started to grow.
This story is much like our role as a Christian. When we pass out a track or visit someone to share the Gospel we are planting the seed. However, sometimes many of us let those seeds like that little tomato plant grow by the wayside and forget that they are there until someone "cuts" them down. The important job that we have is to continue to share with others and let them know a tiny peice of our testimony. Just like in my last post about putting verses to memory this will help in the process to continue to share the Gospel. We may not always be able to see the end results of planting that seed but I know that the Bible says we will all have rewards in Heaven if we continue to share our faith. You see, the person who tossed out that tomato has no idea that we have a large plant with baby tomatoes ready to mature but we will reap the benefits from it. In Galations 6:7-8 it says: Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Also in Psalms 126: 5-6 the Bible says "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Some of our little "potato plants" |
Friday, February 4, 2011
Reglas, Reglas, Reglas...........
Who knew that there were so many "reglas" or rules in Spanish. I thought that English was tough. We are currently working on subjunctive and there are like 15 different rules each with their own rules and exceptions. We have now learned reglas 1,2, and 4. At first we thought "what is up with all these different rules?" I have no problem going out on the street and communicating my thoughts and needs with the people that I meet. I can ask for things, and go places and even talk small talk in a taxi. But after talking with one of our teacher's she explained that what we know now.....without subjunctive is equal to "Tarzan's Language" example it sounds like this..."Me Tarzan and you Jane". The words come out but you need the connectors to help everything flow and make you sound a little more educated.
As, I was sitting and thinking of the importance of how we speak and sound to others I began to think about my daily life as a Christian. It also made me think about the lives of others that claim to be Christian. Do we sound educated when we talk about Jesus? I know that we are not gonna know and have the entire Bible embedded into our memory but do we have key verses that we can share with others on the spot. If an issue comes up with a friend or co-worker do you know your Bible well enough to guide the person in the right direction. I can say that I have had times where I have verses and "I know what the BIBLE" says about that topic but I still need to get all the passages written down to go back and share with the person later. We need to be more educated in God's Word and the only way that we can be more educated is to study it and put it to memory. I am going to try to memorize one verse a week but I am also gonna try to memorize it in English and in Spanish. I challenge all of my readers to do the same thing but in 1 language(LOL). It only makes sense that I learn both....but if you are feeling a little more inspired then you can try one in Spanish as well. :) I would love to hear what verse you have decided to memorize this week and with sending me a note about it...I can help hold you accountable for that see if you are holding to your decision to become more educated in God's Word.
I am gonna to work on Philippians 4:7.....
As, I was sitting and thinking of the importance of how we speak and sound to others I began to think about my daily life as a Christian. It also made me think about the lives of others that claim to be Christian. Do we sound educated when we talk about Jesus? I know that we are not gonna know and have the entire Bible embedded into our memory but do we have key verses that we can share with others on the spot. If an issue comes up with a friend or co-worker do you know your Bible well enough to guide the person in the right direction. I can say that I have had times where I have verses and "I know what the BIBLE" says about that topic but I still need to get all the passages written down to go back and share with the person later. We need to be more educated in God's Word and the only way that we can be more educated is to study it and put it to memory. I am going to try to memorize one verse a week but I am also gonna try to memorize it in English and in Spanish. I challenge all of my readers to do the same thing but in 1 language(LOL). It only makes sense that I learn both....but if you are feeling a little more inspired then you can try one in Spanish as well. :) I would love to hear what verse you have decided to memorize this week and with sending me a note about it...I can help hold you accountable for that see if you are holding to your decision to become more educated in God's Word.
I am gonna to work on Philippians 4:7.....
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